Going strong since 1989
From novice to advanced, it's all about riding, and having some fun.

HWRC was formed in 1989 and has grown to be a medium sized Affiliated Riding Club with both a Junior and a Senior membership
We have non-riding members who just enjoy being involved in horse related activities, members who have recently started or have gone back to riding after a long break and who need to gain confidence, members who are real all-rounders who’ll have a go at anything and members who ride at a higher level.
As an Affiliated Riding Club, we are invited to enter teams in many disciplines, from Novice, Intermediate and Open Show Jumping, Equitation Jumping, Dressage, Riding Test, Hunter Trials, Showing, Horse Trials and anything else that is available. We have been fortunate in getting our teams through to the British Riding Clubs Championships in quite a few of these Qualifiers over the last few years, so we are a good Club to belong to if you enjoy competition at a low, medium or higher level.
We provide a varied annual fixture list which can be viewed on our events page, where you can download scedules and enter (and pay) online. The Fixture List which includes shows, clinics, training opportunities, lectures, visits and social occasions. In fact, if our members want a new activity added to our programme, we’ll do our best to organise it. We are known as a friendly Club where everyone is very welcome. However, we always try to be efficient and professional in all that we do and this makes for a relaxed atmosphere where events are running smoothly and we have time to talk to people.

Our strengths lie in being a club of many and mixed abilities
There is no capping of membership numbers in HWRC. We welcome all new members of any age or ability to join us. We have a wealth of knowledge within our Committee so are always pleased to help on any problems if we can. Just ask us!
If you would like to join us, please see our our membership page, or join online with My Riding Life. We look forward to meeting you at our future events.
Thank you for your interest.
Jan Eedle-Wells